View from  Roman Aqueduct, Spello

Umbrian miscellany

A selection of images, ranging from building work in process in Trevi – with the disregarded poster, ardent tourists looking at Roman inscriptions in Spoleto, a hat shop and flowers in front of a ristorante in Assisi to a pair of geckos on Isola Maggiore, Lago Trasimeno. Also some images depicting elements of Umbria’s history […]

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Casualty of a day out

Along the Severn Beach to view The Bridge

What an amazing sky greeted us at Sudbrook – where the Severn Tunnel Pumping Station works constantly to allow the trains to run under the river. An obvious candidate for a Black & White shot; but the colour one’s not bad as well. The perched stone atop the ruined Holy Trinity Church attracts the eye

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The end of the jetty

A walk from Penarth to Cardiff Bay, across The Barrage

The May photo shoot for the U3A Photo Group took us to the Cardiff Bay Barrage, with a theme of “lines”. I tried my best to comply using leading lines where possible, going from left to right (where possible), and incorporating the quirky wherever possible as well – beds of sedimentary rock pointing towards Penarth

A walk from Penarth to Cardiff Bay, across The Barrage Read More »

Photo Workshop in Pembrokeshire

I do like to get away for a few days to spend time in the company of other people who have photography as their hobby (even passion). With them you don’t feel nerdy when you’re walking about with a big bag and a tripod – it’s just what they (you) do; it’s natural; you feel

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Temple of Peace

Visiting familiar places with a different set of eyes

“This week’s photo shoot is Cathays Park”. Now what was I going to take a picture of that I didn’t know everything about already. The theme is “architecture” or “architectural detail”. Well that helps a little to focus the mind, I suppose. Anyway, as always, once I got my head in the right space, I

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Until next year ...

A quick-fire visit to Nymans in West Sussex

A short visit to my sister and a quick visit to Nymans House and Gardens in Sussex. Not much to say about the photos, I suppose the last one has a sort of interesting twist to it (literally), otherwise in the short time we were there (which was mainly spent in the tea rooms anyway)

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The Potting Shed

Enjoying the sun at Harlow Carr

Here are a selection of the shots I took during our visit. My favourites? The close-ups of the fritillary and the buds, and the garden shed where I exposed for the shadows knowing I could get the highlights (outside the door of the shed) back in post-processing, which I did. These little things I’m beginning

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